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Our Overhead Wire Insulation Robot Did a Great Job in Xinjiang Power Grid
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On June, 3, the automatic coating robot developed by our company was coating the insulation layer evenly along the wire between No. 213 and No. 214 telegraph poles in 10kV Mu Nong Line of Xinjiang Korla Puhui Farm No.3 Team under the monitoring of the staff on the ground. After about 50 minutes, the entire wire which was naked has been treated for insulation with the thickness of 2mm; this marks the success of the initial effort to coat insulation paint onto the wire in Xinjiang Bazhou Power Supply Company. Our staffs are carrying out equipment commissioning

Power distribution network always suffers from insufficient spans, over-pond routing, etc. due to the fact that the supply line is too long, the line has to cross the residential area largely and the selected pole type is designed relatively low; in addition, illegal activities repeatedly emerge, such as building houses or planting trees under the lines; in that case, the power supply departments have been placed under great safety risks, therefore, the contradictions and disputes arising therefrom have caused impact to the normal operation of the power supply departments. The contradictions between line and tree, line and house, line and road as well as line and pond have become the top “l(fā)ong-standing” problems to the power supply departments. All the above safety risks can be avoided entirely as long as the renovation of insulation is implemented.The operation with robot is far more efficient than the traditional insulation renovation.

Currently, our coating robot has been used in power grid companies in Shandong, Xinjiang, etc. with good effect achieved. Our coating robot has brought changes to the traditional method used for “insulation renovation” by power grid companies and made it possible for operators to carry out insulation renovation to naked wires on the ground, which effectively solved the problems including high labor intensity in manual operation, long shut-down time and high renovation difficulties.

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