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DFE’s “Intelligent Metering Big Data Cloud Platform” rated as “Pilot & Demonstrative Project for Development of Big Data Industry” by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
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Recently the “Intelligent Metering Big Data Cloud Platform”, developed by Yantai Dongfang Wisdom Electric CO., LTD. (“WISDOM”) independently, is selected in the List of the Pilot & Demonstrative Project for Development of Big Data Industry in 2020, as announced by the General Administrative Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has selected a batch of Pilot & Demonstrative Projects for development of big data industry, by 7 sub-divisions, in 4 major catalogues such as the integrated applications of industrial big data, big data innovation applications for people’s livelihood, pilot applications of key technologies for big data, and enhancement of big data management capabilities, in order to further implement the “Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing ‘the Outline of Action to Promote the Development of Big Data’”; the Ministry further summarizes and promotes replicable experiences and practices on a pilot and demonstrative basis. With its extensive application and influence in the industry for many years, as well as advanced product technology and mature solution innovation, WISDOM’s Intelligent Metering Big Data Cloud Platform has been selected as the “Pilot & Demonstrative Project for Development of Big Data Industry in 2020”.


It is reported that the Platform has broken through a number of technical bottlenecks through multiple field practices and verifications, and realized the unified storage, real-time processing, hybrid application, and intelligent analysis of massive and heterogeneous power metering data, thereby enabling the storage, calculation, and analysis functions of real-time consumption data from millions of users, which has been applied to Nepal’s national AMI projects and smart pipeline corridors, digital oil fields, and electricity sales platform projects.

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