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DFE awarded Prize of Excellent Enterprise on RFID System Integration.
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From April 10 to 12, 2012, “China Annual Forum of RFID Development of Internet of Things” was held jointly by The National Gold Card Office of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Information Industry Trade Association and China RFID Industry Alliance in Chengdu.

At the forum, 2011 China RFID Industry of Internet of Things Development Report was issued and RFID Excellent Application Case Collection of Internet of Things in China was published; the results of “2011 Selection of RFID Company of Internet of Things in China” were revealed and the award ceremony was held.

Multiple awards were set in this selection, such as read-write equipment, RFID-label, contribution to standardization, system integration, and application demonstration and so on. Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd., Aisino Corporation and other two companies had the honor to win the prize of “Excellent Enterprise on RFID System Integration”. Changyu Wine RFID dynamic product traceability system implemented by Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. was rated as “Excellent Application Demonstration Project of Internet of Things in China”. All projects awarded would be listed in RFID Excellent Application Case Collection of Internet of Things in China.

Liu Xiaofeng, Deputy General Manager of the company, also attended the forum and introduced the first RFID automatic detection & labeling equipment in wine industry of China.

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