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?DFE wins bid of power supply system for Shenzhen Universiade
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Our company successfully won the bid of power supply system for Shenzhen Universiade, which has acted as a good beginning of our works in 2011.

Power supply system for Shenzhen Universiade is a significant power supply guarantee project contracted by Dongfang Electronics following the tasks of the power supply guarantee system for the Olympic Games in 2008, the power supply guarantee system for the 60 anniversary of National Day in 2009, and the power supply guarantee system for the World Expo and the Asian Games in 2010. Since 2008, all large-scale activities with worldwide influence held by China have witnessed the great efforts of Dongfang Electronics without exception. Hence our company has become a real “power supply guarantee expert” worthy of the name.

Dongfang Electronics has accumulated a wealth of experience in the implementation of significant power supply guarantee projects in the past years, and the power supply guarantee system for Asian Games has once been highly commended by leaders of SERC. The task of power supply guarantee system for significant activities is heavy and the technical requirements shall be perfectly met without any failure, which fully embodies the comprehensive strength of our company

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