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2019 DFE Cup Article Solicitation Award Ceremony & Symposium on Key Technologies and Applications of Ubiquitous IoT
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President Yang, delivers an address

Conference scene

2019 DFE Cup Article Solicitation Award Ceremony took place in Yantai on November 16. The Symposium on Key Technologies and Applications of Ubiquitous IoT, hosted by the Power System Control and Protection Committee of the China Electrotechnical Society (CES), organized by Power System Protection and Control and DEF, was held concurrently.

Han Wanlin, Secretary General of the Power System Control and Protection Committee, China Electrotechnical Society, hosts the opening ceremony

Chen Haoyong, a professor of South China University of Technology, hosts the symposium

Conference scene

Nearly 300 academicians, experts, scholars and customer representatives from State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid, petroleum and petrochemical enterprises, research institutes and renowned universities attended the opening ceremony of the symposium on the morning of November 16. Han Wanlin, Secretary General of the Power System Control and Protection Committee, CES, hosted the opening ceremony. President Yang, delivered an address.

Prof. Zhou Xiaoxin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, makes a keynote presentation

Ding Zhenhua, Chairman of DFE Co., Ltd., makes a keynote presentation

At the symposium, Zhou Xiaoxin, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a keynote presentation entitled New-generation Energy System and Energy Internet. The experts from China Electric Power Research Institute, South China University of Technology, State Grid Information & Telecommunication Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Huawei Technologies, ZTE Corporation, Nari Group and DFE made presentations on technologies such as power IoT, energy internet, intelligent power distribution, 5G and integrated energy. These presentations focusing on market needs are enlightening and forward-looking.

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