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Embarking on a Collaborative Journey of Opportunity: Dongfang Electronics Signs Strategic Partnership Agreement with Malaysia’s Envision Tech Company
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On April 22nd, China (Yantai) - Malaysia Economic and Trade Exchange Conference and Signing Ceremony for Cooperating with Dongfang Electronics, along with China (Yantai) - Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Business Fair, took place in Malaysia. Leading the delegation, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Zheng Deyan graced the occasion, witnessing the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between Dongfang Electronics and Malaysia’s Envision Tech Company in the port electrification sector. The signing ceremony was presided over by You Rulin, Director of the Yantai Municipal Bureau of Commerce. Zhou Xiansheng, President of Envision Tech Company, and Ding Zhenhua, Chairman of Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd., delivered speeches at the event.

▲Dongfang Electronics and Malaysia’s Envision Tech Company have signed a strategic cooperation agreement

▲Ding Zhenhua, Chairman of Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd., delivered a speech at the signing ceremony

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