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Undertaken by DFE, the Distributed PV and Energy Storage Project with the Largest Capacity in the Province Connected to the Grid and Handed Over with Full Capacity
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Recently, the distributed PV and energy storage project with the largest capacity in the province undertaken by Dongfang Electronics Corporation (DFE) - the rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation project of Shandong New Energy Development Co., Ltd. of GD Power Development Co., Ltd. of CHN Energy in Dongying - was connected to the grid with full capacity.

The project adopts the PCS, EMS and BMS for liquid-cooled grid-forming energy storage independently developed by the company with the maximum unit capacity of 2000kW in China at present. DFE takes advantages of digital technology to deeply integrate electrochemical technology, power electronics technology, power grid support technology and energy storage batteries, temperature control, as well as fire protection to create a low-cost, high-performance, high-safety energy storage system, facilitating distributed-PV-friendly grid-connection and consumption.


▲DFE 2.6MW/5.2MWh energy storage system

In addition, the project covers such core products as high-voltage switchgear, box transformer, substation protection and automation, with a total installed capacity of 41.76 MW, involving 11 plants in Guangrao County and Kenli District of Dongying City. It is expected that the average annual power generation of the project will reach 56.1236 million KWH after putting into operation, saving 16,977.39 tons of standard coal, and correspondingly reducing carbon dioxide emissions of about 46,700 tons for a win-win situation of economic, environmental and social benefits.

The successful grid-connection of the project is another major breakthrough of DFE in the grid-forming energy storage and new energy industry. Currently, the company is committed to the R&D and application of energy storage and new energy technology by embracing the “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” strategy and the historic opportunity of new energy system construction, and providing new momentum for green development of the society by focusing on customers and industry development.

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