
Dongfang Jingjin College

In November 2019, we established Dongfang Jingjin College. It is a milestone decision made by DFE after entering a new period of strategic development. In the era of the knowledge economy, the most important assets of an enterprise are knowledge assets rather than plant buildings and equipment. Employees with knowledge are the most precious resources of an enterprise. As an important corporate strategic platform in the era of the knowledge economy, the corporate university shoulders the important responsibility of providing knowledge service, sharing knowledge and creating knowledge. It is committed to becoming a promoter of the enhancement strategy, a cultivator of various talents and a corporate knowledge manager, playing its role in maintaining the sustained and rapid development of DFE in the next strategic period.

西安市| 喀喇| 武山县| 汉川市| 普陀区| 怀远县| 江达县| 法库县| 会昌县| 寿宁县| 西吉县| 财经| 峨边| 隆化县| 孝昌县| 遂宁市| 三亚市| 周宁县| 库伦旗| 通州市| 澄江县| 千阳县| 庄浪县| 会理县| 精河县| 扶风县| 玉山县| 盐边县| 巴林左旗| 宝鸡市| 东方市| 通河县| 五寨县| 定南县| 分宜县| 林芝县| 龙岩市| 文成县| 江口县| 岳西县| 通渭县|